I was tired last night, so even though we were camping for an Othinus' Bow for me (thanks to everyone for helping me with this) we all just went to bed relatively early. I really want to test this out for XP because the delay is lower than my Selene's Bow and I have the gear for pretty decent Holy Bolt procs, so I would think my Slugshots would be lower but they would happen more often. Anyway, onto the day.
First, we farmed Despot for a while but we didn't stay in Sky long enough for it to pop, as we had out first Versus Omega run planned already. So we just popped a Seiryu, two NIN/DRK were nice, but it definitely takes longer to set hate than a nice initial voke. I suppose using JA's earlier on could set hate better but I like saving those for just in case. Anyway, this is just still for testing and I think going back to NIN/WAR will be better, but when balanced NIN/DRK's are very good tanks. Probably much more efficient for longer fights, but still decent here. I like just being able to have more things to keep constant hate with, and I am having fun because it keeps you much more busy during fights, rather than sitting waiting for voke to come back up. Also it is much easier to assist and grab hate back when it is needed, which is much more beneficial than just hoping your voke works and then being stuck for another 30 seconds. Well, Seiryu dropped basically only W. Hands, which was one of the things that I have actually lotted on in a long time, but Elfie won the lot and made their Blood Finger Gauntlets! Sweet! After Seiryu, Versus was off to Omega. :)
The Omega fight started very well, but Gordor went down at about 60%, and we started kiting instead of subbing in Izman, which in perfect 20/20 hindsight we probably should have just done. We lost a lot of time not really doing a lot of damage waiting for Gordor to get back up, and things got a little hectic, and we needed to rush it a bit at the end. But it died pretty easily when we were able to hold it for a few seconds to take care of the last 20% or so. It was definitely our first time, and we have a lot to learn about positioning, damage, and a bunch of other things, but literally this was the very first Omega fight for about 10 of our members and things will easily get better once we have done the fight a couple of times. Anyway, during the fight we got some crafting materials from the Gunpods and a Magenta Chip which is definitely nice for our future runs. And our drops!
Izman and Malasia called it! LOL Izman only lotted on the head because no one else was going to do it. Awesome! Well, we headed to Mhaura to see the first Homam pieces that Versus has gained from Limbus.
Congrats to Jess and Izman on their Homam Zucchettos, and yes the second head was basically free lot. LOL Anyway, on the way to Limbus last night, I get this wonderful commentary, and NO, there was NO UFO aggroing last night, thank you very much.
After Limbus but before we went to farm the O Bow, Imrahil needed his DRK AF Helm so we headed up to help him with it. Of course it was very easy to do, but Imrahil is on his first job and I think was quite pleased with the assistance that he received. And it was nice to do something besides XPing for once. LOL I think a couple of us are going to farm for NM's and pop items for the next couple of days. Bomb Queen items, O Bow, Diorites and Despots are just something we are going to farm for either while xping or getting xp while farming. Its time to put some effort into some of the things that we are missing. For a while when doing Limbus and Salvage we weren't really getting a lot accomplished in gaining gear, so now that people are gaining things they want we are actually able to improve what we need, for example, Izman would greatly benefit from Crimson Legs which improves our tanking for the entire LS. I would really like to see him get them and quickly. And here is Ice getting his Neptunal Hands, which is also nice for him but the LS as a whole.
I greatly enjoy seeing people get gear that helps to make Versus that much better.
Also your daily Aable reminder!
I am going to start with the best way to help Aable as he is going through his physical troubles, as per his request.After Dealing with ulcerative colitis since around 2003, finally things have gotten bad enough I have been in the hospital since St. Patrics day. I decided I will be going in for surgerie. March 29 sometime in the afternoon. I will be having Laparoscopic abdominal colectomy and ileostomy for any of you medicaly intersted people. Basically my large intestine will be totally removed. and i will have a poo pouch for a while. Then basically a section of my small instestine is formed into a new mini Colin while this is all going on called a j pouch. and my digestive tract is reconnected though that. my estimated recovery time in the hospital is somewhere around a couple weeks followed by other outpatient recovery.
In all I should end up with a better quality of life then i have been dealing with for the past few years so wish me luck. If you see someone around as me the next few weeks its (Exodus(Wargod))rob)
--On another note, since this sucks so bad anyone who wants to do something cool for me, please corrdinate with Ringthree; I am trying to see If i can get the foodnetwork to give me a free Trip to see Emeril Live maybe even convince him to do a special show basied on my condition or UC in general.----
Kelly Beattie
Ok, so here is what you can do. Send a e-mail to Emeril Live via the Food Network. If you don't know what exactly to say, or if you don't know Aable but just want to help him out, then please just use the following message. Cut and paste, easy as the proverbial pie.Hello, my name is (put your name here) and I writting on behalf of a close friend Kelly Beattie. Kelly is currently suffering from Ulcerative colitis (Ulcerative colitis is a form of colitis, a disease of the intestine, specifically the large intestine or colon, that includes characteristic ulcers, or open sores, in the colon) which has currently confined him to a hospital and has severely limited his ability to eat as he wishes. I was hoping that you could help him in his time of need. Kelly has a great love of life, and his greatest love in life is food. Even though suffering from UC, he manages to entertain himself and friends with cooking and the stories of how much he loves to cook. His current hospitalization has prevented him from being able to engage in cooking for obvious reasons. So I am writing on behalf of Kelly to ask if you could do something for him, in the form of having Kelly on Emeril Live! and focusing an episode on how to person suffering from UC can learn to cook for themselves in a healthy and enjoyable way. UC takes so much of what Kelly loves, and I was hoping that you could take the time to help Kelly, and embrace Kelly's wish that people with UC learn that they can enjoy eating and learn to cook in a healthy manner for themselves!
Thank you so much for listening, Kelly will appreciate it!
(Your name here)
Just spam them! Send as many or as few e-mails as you like! Aable will appreciate it and hopefully he will be back soon with a new and improved colon! LOL