You are not your fucking... is a series of articles dedicated to profiling a variety of equipment. Brought to you every Monday, this series will discuss why it is a good piece of gear, why it fills your needs, why you should get it or any other reason it could be useful. It could be something obvious, or it could be something off the beaten path, but it will always be useful in some way or another. Today we will take a look at one of the most annoying Salvage pieces to obtain, the Skadi's Cuirie.
The Stats: Salvage provides some of the best gear in the game, and that is very well known. Some of that gear is very good for one job on it's job list, but not some others. Some of it is situational, some of it is WS gear, and some of it covers different roles for different jobs. The is a great example of that. Finally, a piece for this column where the stats speak for themselves. This is a RNG and THF piece, obviously, but it is definitely situational depending on what you are using it for. The nice thing though is that there are many situations where it is good which is unlike most "situational" gear. Large portions of DEX, AGI and CHR make this stand out as a THF WS piece first and foremost. It has been suggested that it is the best WS piece in the game for THF, at least for, because it has a ton of modifiers (even if no STR) and because of the additional Accuracy on this piece. Yes, not only does it have good WS stats, it also comes with a good portion of Accuracy and even a little Attack on it too. It can even been a really good TP piece depending on what else you have, and what situation you are in. Definitely not as good as Homam Corazza, though pretty close, and Rapparee Harness is only situationally better than Skadi's and those situations (high vs. low accuracy) don't really over lap.
For RNG, it's utility is not as universal, but it is still a very good piece. First of all for Barrage, where Ranged Accuracy is critical, it is the best. But it is also a very nice Sidewinder/Slug Shot piece for higher evasion mobs, basically anything higher than XP mobs. Finally, it has -10 Evasion, and I don't know why, and the stats on it are so good it doesn't matter.
The Get: Ok, this is the hard part. This is probably one of the most difficult items to get from Salvage, and that is not necessarily because of drop rate. First of all you need the three items from Salvage. The 15 is the Njord's Jerkin from Jakko, which if you are doing Zhayolm Remnants you are going to get inevitably. The Freyr's Jerkin is the 25 piece which drops from Long-Armed Chariot, not the most difficult but one of the more annoying Salvage bosses, and also time consuming which is a problem if other people in your group need the Usukane 35 body because that route in Silver Sea Remnants. Finally, the Freya's Jerkin drops from the Peryton in Bhaflau Remnants which has a chance to drop the 35 if they even appear, and that is all after you kill the previous 10 Archaic Gear in less than a minute without having them disappear because of random weather effects, or aggro, or linking, etc. And then after you get all of the items, you get the glory of collecting 12 Imperial Wootz Ingots which are horribly expensive. Toss in 10 Imperial Gold Coins, and the Skadi's Cuirie is finally yours.
If you like this series, but are wondering why you never see the items you are looking for, then leave a comments and we might just feature you favorite item next week!
Monday, June 15, 2009
You are not your fucking Skadi's Cuirie.
Posted by
3:04 PM
You Are Not Your...
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COR? Even if you're looking at Denali....
Easily one of the best WS bodies for COR (Technically, WS spec'd ACP body is better, but no serious COR would pass up QD- MAB+ on ACP body).
Well worth "the get"!
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