Sorry Iz. :( I mean it's bad that he didn't get to lot on them and all, but it could have been a lot worse really. To prevent it from getting a lot worse we did Zhayolm instead of Silver Seas, because if the 35 Ares's Legs ever dropped and Iz wasn't there I would take a baseball bat to my nuts. The funny thing is that both of those items were free lot. The Ares's 35 Legs were won by Qtipus, and the Morrigan's 35 Legs were won by Keshdr. A huge congratulations to them both! LOL I know I started out kind of negative but I am definitely happy both of those feet dropped. I just know how hard Iz works to get stuff in the game and he always seems to get fucked out of the stuff he wants. Oh and Keshdr is now officially banned from whining about drops for at least three months because he has completed or gotten the 35 for at least three pieces in the last two weeks. LOL I am going to make Iz give me his password and I will go as him if he can't make a run. The worst part was that Iz has to do some moving around at his place, and didn't want to miss the run at all. :( As for Ninjafox and Illius? Well they are the main Skadi's people, and Skadi's just hates us. We have never seen a Skadi's 35 legs drop, we have only seen one Skadi's 35 hands drop, and we have a ton of Skadi's 35 heads because they are probably the worst piece in the set. Ninjafox has been waiting on those Skadi's Legs for a long time, almost as long as Iz has been used as God's personal S&M gimp. :(
In happier news, I got my Skadi's Jambeaux back already and they are super sweet. I love the enhanced movement speed and I also like them as an excuse to go on RNG more often. Last night I got to test out RNG in Limbus and it worked really well. We went old school and made skill chains! *GASP* LOL Arching Arrow to Spinning Slash for Light and two BLM to MB off it. With 7 people we easily finished Temenos North with plenty of time left. We also did something new to help with avoiding the Cryptonberrys on the second to last floor.
We just had everyone go on follow on me and it let us avoid most of the aggro that could happen, though I rushed the last one and it was a little close but we got out ok. I got the idea from someone that used it to get by the Diabolos in Dynamis-Tavnazia. I was pretty pleased with the run over all considering how few people made it to the run.
As I was saying I am trying to perfect my RNG and its going decently for now. A little bit of XP as seen yesterday and I feel more comfortable about positioning and my gear set-ups. I feel like I am getting closer to knowing what I want to use and what sub I like. I know people suggest /SAM and /WAR but right now I don't feel like my accuracy is good enough for that so I am going to use /NIN for the Fransisca and Kriegsbeil. I am going to pull a little bit of accuracy out for STR like in the earring slot, but outside of that I think I am well balanced. Looking forward to more testing tomorrow.
Friday, November 21, 2008
God takes a dump on Izman's chest, hates Ninjafox and by transitive property hates Illius.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Killing my blog.
The best way to quickly turn people off of my blog is to start talking about numbers. But I have a parse from last night to talk about and how it effects my Ranger, and since that is my most recent interest it only seems natural to talk about that. Now, I think I am going to turn this into an on going goal. I will discuss each parse but I will also be adding it to my collective parse, and over time maybe some trends will appear. Now, I already know how parses average your damage over time, and how it figures your accuracy, but I am more interested in how the damage plots out. So there we have my damage plotted out as a graph.
Heading home, I will add more to this tomorrow, hopefully with another parse.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Clean up Aisle 7.
Sorry about that post yesterday, it was all screwed up and I didn't have time to fix it before I left, so I will fix it today.
So, I have SAM and MNK now and outside of a few pieces there really isn't much better that I can do for them. That is a good thing because that means that they are ready to go for Versus at anytime, but I think its time to focus on a few more jobs that can help the LS and I think that RNG is the next goal for me. I don't have a mage job besides WHM leveled so I can't really help with non-melee damage if I don't have my RNG ready to go. So, after I finish up a few things that is what I am building up next. I was going to work on my DRG or WAR next, but honestly we have enough of them and they are far better than mine could be. RNG we are really weak on, and also on ranged damage, so that is going to be my focus.
There are two problems though. First, all my merits are tied up in SAM, MNK and NIN. NIN like I said has shifted over to mostly being a tank job, so I think I am going to pull out my Katana merits, and shift them over to Archery. The second problem is that I don't really know how to gear up my RNG. I know mostly what is best for RNG, and I know what I am missing, but I don't know how to balance ranged accuracy with STR and ranged attack. Right now I am looking at using this set-up for my TP build: It seems to me that it is a little bit accuracy heavy, but meh, I am paranoid about RNG accuracy, so I will keep it for a while until I get comfortable with it. That leads me to my WS set right now which is very heavily accuracy based because I use Sidewinder a lot.
LOL, I think the only difference is in the feet right now, because I really am pretty paranoid about missing a Sidewinder. I could probably shift some things around and get some better stats for the same accuracy, but I am not sure about that yet. It has been suggested that on higher accuracy mobs that Arching Arrow may be a better choice. It still has a decent fTP modifier, it can be shot regularly at 100TP, and it has a chance to Crit which is always nice. Also, food choice effects a lot of what I can do, Sushi will make things much easier to hit but Meat will obviously increase damage. Right now I am basically doing tests to figure out what the best set-ups I can use for different things. I am actually pretty comfortable with my TP set now. But lets think to the future, because I have quite a few good pieces in store for my RNG and it is one of the reasons that I have been pushing forward with it.
Lets look at my "future" TP build for my RNG. Ok, lets look at the differences. First of all is the head piece, Zha'Go's Barbut which looks to be an incredibly good piece for RNG. Lots of ranged accuracy and attack, a decrease in enmity, and pretty importantly it has the enhance Snapshot effect, which will likely decrease the delay of a Ranged Attack by 2%. That will stack well with my Snapshot merits, whenever I get them. LOL Crimson Finger Gauntlets are next, and I already have the abjuration for them, just need to pick up the cursed finger gauntlets. Thinking I might try to get the HQ version of them, but don't know if I want to wait for long enough to get them while I still have people to pay back. The next piece is the Buccaneer's Belt, which I think I already have enough points from Einherjar to get and if I don't then I am close because Iz got his Ritter Gorget last week, so I think I am close. Right now, I am just using a Precise Belt which Omoi got me. :) This will be a step up in Ranged Accuracy, STR and it even has negative enmity too. Next is Scout's Braccae. Funny story here. I have been 4/5 on RNG AF2 for something like 2 years now, but I have never gotten a chance to get the legs, which are pretty much the only good piece for RNG besides the feet. LOL I don't know if want to go with these or the Pahluwan legs in general, but they definitely look much cooler than the P. Legs. Finally, I need to get Skadi feet done, I have all the parts for it, but I still need the stack of Marid hides and the coins. I should have done it a while ago, but meh. Part of my dilemma is that I don't know if they are better or worse for TP build than Scout's Socks.
Anyway, enough about my RNG. I still have a lot to work on for it, but at least today I am going to be able to get some XP in.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Pants hate Iz.
Eyeballs everywhere!
20 Minutes left in MY SSR?
That is all, see you on Monday.
Yes, this post was solely for the entertainment of Iz. :)
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
More flash and more bang.
So, yesterday was a little bit of a recap on SAM macros, today will be MNK.
Lets dive right in.
MNK TP Macro:
input /equip main "Destroyers";
input /equip ammo "Goblin Cracker";
input /equip ear1 "Merman's Earring";
input /equip head "Usukane Somen";
input /equip ear2 "Brutal Earring";
input /equip neck "Faith Torque";
input /equip ring1 "Ulthalam's Ring";
input /equip body "Usukane Haramaki";
input /equip ring2 "Blood Ring";
input /equip hands "Usukane Gote";
input /equip back "Charger Mantle";
input /equip waist "Black Belt";
input /equip legs "Usukane Hizayoroi";
input /equip feet "Usukane Sune-ate";
This is pretty simple, but some of the non-main areas require a little bit of explanation. The Goblin Cracker is to cut down on a loss of HP and Evasion from the Tiphia Sting. The Merman's Earring is my shame, because I still haven't gotten my Ethereal Earring. There just isn't as much time as I would hope to get it done, and since it is only for one job it doesn't get that much precedence. Finally, I believe the Charger Mantle is the best choice for MNK even for TP build because the difference in STR isn't going to change my damage as much as the Attack will if I have the numbers right.
For my AF WS Macro:
input /equip main "Destroyers";
input /equip ammo "Tiphia Sting";
input /equip ear1 "Merman's Earring";
input /equip head "Hissho Hachimaki";
input /equip ear2 "Coral Earring";
input /equip neck "Faith Torque";
input /equip ring1 "Ulthalam's Ring";
input /equip body "Shura Togi";
input /equip ring2 "Blood Ring";
input /equip hands "Temple Gloves";
input /equip back "Charger Mantle";
input /equip waist "Life Belt";
input /equip legs "Shura Haidate";
input /equip feet "Usukane Sune-ate";
input /ja "Boost"
pause 1.8;
input /equip hands "Ochiudo's Kote";
input /ws "Asuran Fists"
And further I fall... :( Tiphia Sting is back because I have a lot of negative HP gear in my WS and it isn't really going to hurt me much more than what I am already losing, and the negative evasion is only for a moment or two during the WS. The earring problem is caused because of my lack of an Ethereal Earring explained above. Faith Torque? Well, I am still wishy-washy on the whole Sea gorget issue for multi-hit WS, but I will probably change that when I get home tonight.
Now, MNK has another WS here that I need to include which is Chakra. I use this quite a bit because of the added regen that I get from it, which is great in Salvage.
input /equip ammo "Bibiki Seashell";
input /equip head "Genbu's Kabuto";
input /equip body "Temple Cyclas";
input /equip hands "Melee Gloves";
input /equip waist "Warwolf Belt";
input /ja "Chakra"
pause 2;
input /equip ammo "Goblin Cracker";
input /equip head "Usukane Somen";
input /equip body "Usukane Haramaki";
input /equip hands "Usukane Gote";
input /equip waist "Black Belt";
Hope these macros help. More tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
All new, bright and shiney...
Ok, a little macro work. My SAM has now had a very large change compared to my MNK. I am not even thinking about my NIN yet, because that is almost exclusively a tank job now, and honestly, even though Versus has gotten a lot smaller recently because of some questionable defections, we have been doing much better in general with smaller numbers, so I haven't been losing much XP on NIN and don't really need to get much buffer back. We did 3 Byakko's this past weekend with around 12 people, which was a lot smaller numbers than we normally try it with, and it ended up going far better than many of our other Byakko's in the past. It seems that in the purge we may have lost some chaff and that operations have improved with fewer people. We didn't get any Byakko's Haidate but we did get some Neptunal Hands for Illius and a couple of pretty unwanted Dryadic Legs. Also got some money items, which when split between fewer people leaves a much better pay check. Anyway, off the point a little bit but I have reworked my SAM and MNK macros, so lets go over those for a little bit.
SAM TP macro:
input /equip main "Hagun";
input /equip sub "Pole Grip";
input /equip ammo "Tiphia Sting";
input /equip ear1 "Bushinomimi";
input /equip head "Usukane Somen";
input /equip ear2 "Brutal Earring";
input /equip neck "Justice Torque";
input /equip ring1 "Rajas Ring";
input /equip body "Usukane Haramaki";
input /equip ring2 "Ulthalam's Ring";
input /equip hands "Usukane Gote";
input /equip back "Amemet Mantle +1";
input /equip waist "Swift Belt";
input /equip legs "Usukane Hizayoroi";
input /equip feet "Usukane Sune-ate";Ok, that is pretty simple. Right now, I am thinking about making a few changes, including going from Tiphia Sting to Goblin Cracker until I get a Black Tathlum because the Goblin Cracker has the same accuracy, less attack but less lost evasion and HP. I am also considering switching to Sword Strap depending on if I have enough Store TP to support it. The calculations pretty clearly support Sword Strap if you do not lose your 6-hit set-up. Finally, I need to get a Forager's Mantle to replace my Amemet Mantle +1. Hell, I am going to do the calculations for the Sword Strap now, to see if it is even an option.
Hagun Delay: 450
Post Sword Strap Delay: 436.5
Base TP: 11.1
Total Store TP: +54
Adjusted TP gain: 17.0
So, yes, I will be switching to Sword Strap. And just to be clear, on WS I will still get enough for this to work. And that's that. I wouldn't suggest using Sword Strap if you have to give up any Haste at all, because the delay reduction is worse than Haste. This is because there is only one source of delay reduction compared to Haste sources which are by comparison plentiful.
SAM WS macro:
input /equip main "Hagun";
input /equip sub "Pole Grip";
input /equip ammo "Olibanum Sachet";
input /equip ear1 "Bushinomimi";
input /equip head "Shura Zunari Kabuto";
input /equip ear2 "Brutal Earring";
input /equip neck "(Appropriate Sea Gorget)";
input /equip ring1 "Rajas Ring";
input /equip body "Kirin's Osode";
input /equip ring2 "Flame Ring";
input /equip hands "Myochin Kote +1";
input /equip back "Amemet Mantle +1";
input /equip waist "Warwolf Belt";
input /equip legs "Usukane Hizayoroi";
input /equip feet "Rutter Sabatons";This hasn't changed at all because I had all this gear already. I have been considering using Usukane Haramaki over Kirin's Osode because it would have a gain of about 10~11 accuracy for a loss of 2 STR, ~1 attack and 2 DEX for whatever amount of crits that is worth. The problem is that I think I am generally very close to the accuracy cap on WS on merit mobs, but it would definitely be better for end-game mobs that require more accuracy.
SAM Meditate macro:
input /equip head "Myochin Kabuto";
input /equip hands "Saotome Kote";
input /ja "Meditate" {me};
pause 2;
input /equip head "Usukane Somen";
input /equip hands "Usukane Gote";
Simple and effective, but I still have mine in an in-game macro and I want to switch it over to a Windower macro.
The only other macros I have don't require more than one or two lines and no gear switching. Yes, I know I am leaving out a defense macro. Honestly, I have never found a situation where I have really needed it or that it would make a huge difference. I am not Rukenshin that can tank stuff solo on SAM that I would need to duo tank on NIN. XD For places that I use my SAM (which will increase with Usukane, but I will get to that in a minute) I have not found carrying all that extra gear that important. Seigan and Third Eye do most of the work, or I am on MNK and have shadows. Salvage is a perfect example. With good mages (which we have in relative abundance) we can put three melees on a chariot boss with just a WHM, RDM and BRD. We sometimes limit it based on TP given to the boss, but really, they just go all out. The three DD's are usually WAR/NIN, MNK/NIN and DRG/SAM right now, but it does include other /SAM jobs from time to time. Our DRG/SAM has a relic so it's not like he isn't taking direct damage either. The point is that effective mages are more important to us than damage reduction. If I find something that needs the defensive gear, I will make one, until that time... meh.
I will probably go over the changes I have made to MNK and make some more macros for MNK tomorrow.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Thank you, America and on with the show.
Just wanted to say thank you to everyone in America that voted. Record turnout. No matter your vote, democracy in America is stronger for it.
Out with the old. And in with the new.
And I even stick the landing!
Yay! It's finally done! Took me a while and a bit of borrowed gil to get it done, but I did it! Full Usukane set! Weeee!
Thank you to everyone that no only helped me to get the gil and the Imperial Wootz Ingots, but also all of the pieces for the entire set! Thank you!
And now for the nerd alert, I need to fix my macros, and I thinking about going over to full XML macros now. That will require some knowledge about XML and I have none, so it may take a while, but I am going to give it a try. In the mean time, I am going to rework a long of my equipment change macros now. I am also going to switch over to full Usukane on SAM too, which is going to take much more time than it did to switch over on MNK. Once I have the new macros together, I will post them here as a guide to help people make their macros and make them more universal.
I only got to squeeze in an SSR run last night that of course dropped nothing and didn't even supply the Usukane 25 feet for Keshdr, but at least I got to enjoy doing this: Mwhahaha!
Anyway, off to work on my macros for a little while. I might try to post them today but I don't know if I will have time.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Go fucking vote!
No fucking excuses. Stop reading this fucking blog and go fucking vote.
When you get back there will be a real blog post.