Wednesday, March 03, 2010

YANYOK's FFXIV Beta test NDA policy.

We at YANYOK needed to clear up our NDA policy in regards to FFXIV's Alpha/Beta.

We will be providing 100% coverage of all things FFXIV Alpha and Beta related. We already have "foreign correspondents" in the field ready, willing and able to provide all of the information that you want to hear about. We will be delivering all of this information to you as soon as we can wipe the drool off of the screenshots.

To be clear, no one at YANYOK have alpha or beta invites, all of the information will be passed along second hand, but you will be getting the information without a filter and without someone trying to ban your forum posts for talking about it.

I actually read on a forum that we shouldn't violate the NDA or SE won't want to communicate with us anymore. I laughed so hard that milk shot out of my nose.


Charlie said...

I bet so many ppl are pissed I got an invite...

Dockrpto said...

Looking forward to any info, first or second hand ..... so excited for FFXIV!

Chris said...

first hand infos on vent from me :o