Wednesday, November 12, 2008

More flash and more bang.

So, yesterday was a little bit of a recap on SAM macros, today will be MNK.

Lets dive right in.

MNK TP Macro:

input /equip main "Destroyers";
input /equip ammo "Goblin Cracker";
input /equip ear1 "Merman's Earring";
input /equip head "Usukane Somen";
input /equip ear2 "Brutal Earring";
input /equip neck "Faith Torque";
input /equip ring1 "Ulthalam's Ring";
input /equip body "Usukane Haramaki";
input /equip ring2 "Blood Ring";
input /equip hands "Usukane Gote";
input /equip back "Charger Mantle";
input /equip waist "Black Belt";
input /equip legs "Usukane Hizayoroi";
input /equip feet "Usukane Sune-ate";

This is pretty simple, but some of the non-main areas require a little bit of explanation. The Goblin Cracker is to cut down on a loss of HP and Evasion from the Tiphia Sting. The Merman's Earring is my shame, because I still haven't gotten my Ethereal Earring. There just isn't as much time as I would hope to get it done, and since it is only for one job it doesn't get that much precedence. Finally, I believe the Charger Mantle is the best choice for MNK even for TP build because the difference in STR isn't going to change my damage as much as the Attack will if I have the numbers right.

For my AF WS Macro:

input /equip main "Destroyers";
input /equip ammo "Tiphia Sting";
input /equip ear1 "Merman's Earring";
input /equip head "Hissho Hachimaki";
input /equip ear2 "Coral Earring";
input /equip neck "Faith Torque";
input /equip ring1 "Ulthalam's Ring";
input /equip body "Shura Togi";
input /equip ring2 "Blood Ring";
input /equip hands "Temple Gloves";
input /equip back "Charger Mantle";
input /equip waist "Life Belt";
input /equip legs "Shura Haidate";
input /equip feet "Usukane Sune-ate";
input /ja "Boost" ;
pause 1.8;
input /equip hands "Ochiudo's Kote";
input /ws "Asuran Fists" ;

And further I fall... :( Tiphia Sting is back because I have a lot of negative HP gear in my WS and it isn't really going to hurt me much more than what I am already losing, and the negative evasion is only for a moment or two during the WS. The earring problem is caused because of my lack of an Ethereal Earring explained above. Faith Torque? Well, I am still wishy-washy on the whole Sea gorget issue for multi-hit WS, but I will probably change that when I get home tonight.

Now, MNK has another WS here that I need to include which is Chakra. I use this quite a bit because of the added regen that I get from it, which is great in Salvage.

input /equip ammo "Bibiki Seashell";
input /equip head "Genbu's Kabuto";
input /equip body "Temple Cyclas";
input /equip hands "Melee Gloves";
input /equip waist "Warwolf Belt";
input /ja "Chakra" ;
pause 2;
input /equip ammo "Goblin Cracker";
input /equip head "Usukane Somen";
input /equip body "Usukane Haramaki";
input /equip hands "Usukane Gote";
input /equip waist "Black Belt";

Hope these macros help. More tomorrow.


Skurlover said...

No one cares.......wait, why am I reading this? Does that mean I care? GD!

Anonymous said...

why do you include your weapon in your ws macro?