Thursday, November 09, 2006

New paths untraveled.

So I applied for a new Limbus shell, it looks really promising alot of good players in it, I hope very much for it to be successful and for them to let me in. :) Its not that my current Limbus shell is bad, but I dont want to start with a Limbus shell from the ground up. I dont really want to be a leader in Limbus, I just want to kill stuff and get coins, I do enough leadering in Versus and man is it tough. Dealing with day to day runs is hard enough but then dealing with lots, interpersonal conflicts, people not paying attention, the list goes on and on. I guess I am complaining a little, but I do still love it, its just sometimes I wish people could get the perspective I get, and I know I dont even get it as much as Omoi. :) But that is the way of things, its so easy to lose perspective, its easy to kinda just get lost in wants and needs. The problem with FFXI is that even the hardest to get items are attainable, at least my pathetic life in the real world doesn't hold out that hope. LOL

Anyway, I really like doing Limbus, its exactly like I would want to do raiding in this game. A limited time period, a good group of members, attainable goals, with great rewards, and a good potential for everyone to eventually get something. The Homam gear is so good for PLD that it almost makes me want to level PLD just to DD with it, that much haste is so nice for a job with an A+ weapon that you can dual wield.

My Dynamis LS is having alot of problems, well to me it is. It had for the longest time had alot of stability in the rules and membership, but lately rule changes have been proposed that just basically favor Relic upgraders over everyone else. This was done pretty unilaterally by a couple of the leader. It was done without input from the membership or even a vote. It just looks bad, and its getting a good portion of the membership down about Obsidian as a whole. I dont know what is going to become of it, but its just the next step in the loss of camaraderie that was great about the LS. Well, at least Kittkatt is back. He ran the LS so well it was great, but had to leave for RL issues for a while. Hopefully, he is back to stay. I just hope they get this all worked out without making everyone feel like they are just ramroding new rules any time they want to change who benefits the most from the LS. But apparently the LS has always been unfair and they are just now, after two years, fixing the "problems" with the LS. /sigh

The last thing I want in the game is more drama, and believe me as much as I hate it, I am no strager to it. Like I said, its really easy to lose perspective.

Speaking of Dynamis, we had our first run of 4 Beaucidine runs this month to help Gawayne get his Attestation of Glory. The run scheduling has also been a bone of contention but I am not even going to go into it. The run was very smooth with Kittkatt pulling again, he is by far the best puller in Obsidian. Oh sorry, second best after Glacian! *protects his shins* The team to kill the eye to pop the Attestation NM's went off without a hitch, and after killing some Hydras, we were ready to fight Goublefraupe. I still really like Dynamis because of mobs like this, there is no real danger in the normal mobs or even the NM's, just a risk of big links and getting overwhelmed. But with Hydra... man these guys are bad ass, its not like you hit for any less, then just have tons of HP. And the NM's are crazy, completely fun to kill. We were able to kill Goublefraupe pretty efficiently, and get Gawayne his Gloriuos Attestation. Even though I am very much opposed to how the LS is currently handling Relic upgraders and its favoritism to them, I was very happy to get that Gaw got his Attestation and he will be able to use the Caliburn in Dynamis, maybe even this weekend. I would really like to see him be able to do Knights of the Round. Although I dont want to see all the rules of Obsidian changed every month just so he can do that though.

Well, after Goublefraupe we were almost able to not wipe to the left over Hyrdas, but when only two PLD's were left all of the tanks were down and we tried our best but could keep everyone left up, Vesp and I were two of the last people standing at the end. At least Omoi and I died close enough to find each other in the aftermath LOL. I found that I really liked subbing SAM for Dynamis, it has some survivability, and I was able to eat meat and still have very good accuracy. I am still going to use Wheeling Thrust over Pentathrust though because Penta still is far too inaccurate to risk, and it doesn't seem to ever get close to the general Wheeling Thrust numbers.

Speaking of problems with my Dynamis LS, here is an example of the lack of concentration we have sometimes. One of these LS's is not like the other, one of these LS's is just not the same.

Well, after all the Hydra and a ton of running around, we finally went to Orc country where we didn't get any drops and didn't get much done besides getting massive Charmga'ed. Lesson learned from Dynamis Sandy. If you are going to melee the Orc NM's then need to crowd the mobs so you aren't the one that is going to take the beating from mob of angry players. ;)

After Dynamis, we tried to XP and failed miserably. And that, is what they say, is that. LOL

Did some skilling up in Kuftal before going to bed, and my Archery skill is creeping closer to Sidewinder level. But I think that even though Kuftal can get you to 200 it was time to move on to the Boyhada Tree, because the skillups had slowed alot, but before we could leave our friendly neighborhood gilbuyer from Kirin ran by. I made a comment in say about his nice new harness. Nothing offensive, in fact completely innocouous, Ice on the other hand... LOL But after about 20 minutes I got a pretty pissy tell from our friend of the RMT. I had thought I had screenshotted the conversation, but alas when I checked my screenshots, it wasn't there :( I think you all would have been quite entertained considering the tone that he took, as I never said anything to him besides a compliment to his new Hecatomb Harness +1. I think he might have just a bit of a guilty conscience.

Ah, well. Today is a new day, and we have Sky, but I dont know if there are other things planned as well because we have like three different gods sets, we might be heading out to do something else. I hope on these new paths that everyone finds happiness.

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